13 Modren styles for the wall

Modern architecture and facades are becoming increasingly sought-after across the United States. Modern home exterior design with contemporary lines and simple designs are among the features popular with potential homeowners and buyers seeking to improve the exterior and interiors of their homes. There’s been an increase in the demand for wood claddings used on the exteriors of homes as it’s an excellent way to improve the exterior appearance of your home and create unique interior designs. These 13 modern home exterior cladding styles can give you an idea of the possibilities of incorporating them into your home.

  1. Reaching New Heights
  2. Modern Momentum
  3. Open Front
  4. Transitional Design
  5. Depth of Design
  6. Mixed Materials
  7. Two-Tone
  8. Two Dimensional
  9. Detailed Emphasis
  10. Accented Frame
  11. Deep Angles
  12. Historic Modernization
  13. Board and Batten
  1. Reaching New Heights

It is possible to create an appealing façade using this method. The flat running board is the current design trend for facades of contemporary homes. So, if  a home exterior design done in this manner, it draws the eye upwards, enhancing the appearance and size of the building instead of expanding its scope.

  1. Modern Momentum

We’re all well aware wall coverings are an excellent choice for modern houses, but we’ll consider the following question why we shouldn’t be able to finish at the wall’s edge? The house has decided to extend the wood cladding onto the roof. So, this is a stunning design choice and beneficial as the house looks stunning.

  1. Open Front

These home exterior design don’t just come with these features, and if you blend the wall cladding, roofing materials, and the roof, it’ll be the best option to make all sides of the home easy to access. So, this is not only the best way to enjoy an amazing view of the beaches and oceans and the ocean, but also to increase the amount of light permitted into the home.

  1. Transitional Design

This house is an excellent example of horizontally running cladding, which is usually an older style but is contemporary when executed correctly. Exteriors need to be tidy and free of ornamental elements. It is important to let the cladding match the house’s architectural style. The house has cladding over the structure, and the style is straightforward and clear, using glass panels that don’t have trim or molding.

  1. Depth of Design

Most homeowners believe it’s best to clad the home exterior design should be constructed using one of the old methods. However, if the house is original, there’s no reason to use the same methods. There are many options to use wood. So, the use of wood for decking or ceilings and privacy screens can give it a modern and stylish appearance.

  1. Mixed Materials

Horizontal lap cladding may aid in making the home appear bigger. But for houses with only one story, the cladding could make the home seem smaller. So, the cladding was attached to wood components, which elevated the wood up to several feet above the house level before construction started. So, the result is an appearance of height. 

  1. Two-Tone

Modern home exterior design make good use of wood for cladding to cover their outside. This is an excellent method to emphasize the distinction between different home areas. So, the house appears appealing due to the dark cladding placed on top of the house, provides a distinctive style and appeals to the home’s appearance.

  1. Two Dimensional

The house was subjected to massive improvements to become a beautiful passive home. So, to increase the dimensions to be more robust, they utilized the same environmentally sustainable wood. It is set up differently, which is different for vertical or horizontal orientations. 

  1. Detailed Emphasis

Plate glass windows are the principal central feature of modern homes. So,  \different aspects of the exterior needed to accentuate and highlight the clarity and brightness of the window. With wood from the forest for cladding, the house looks smooth and has a crisp color scheme that emphasizes the style. 

  1. Accented Frame

It allows for the main of the home to be an open front, letting in the most light. So, the expansive windows are a key element of consistency to the different designs and dimensions of windows.

  1. Deep Angles

Why do houses don’t look straight across? Mountain cabin has broken through the mold, resulting in a unique design constructed in a slant based on the foundations of the floor. The floor is first. Because of the unique design, the creation of the cladding must be an integral part of the architectural style of the home. By choosing the modified wood, the construction workers could provide the natural appearance they were looking for and ensure that the wood would withstand the harsh climate prevalent in the area.

  1. Historic Modernization

The owners of an older stone house wanted to update the home exterior design without degrading its beauty. Wood was used as a cladding material for their home’s exterior and created a fascinating contrast between natural stones and wood-clad. So, the result was a stunning transition from the past to the modern era.

  1. Board and Batten

The huge, long-lasting, solid structures that are modern in style may benefit from using vertical cladding for an aesthetic look on the exterior. So, for this particular house, the appealing batten and board structure give an appearance of texture and an illusion of depth while contrasting against the lines horizontally across the entirety of the building. The larger and more full battens provide modern alternatives to the classic siding style.


Cladding is a substance used to secure the home exterior design and exterior of structures by covering the ceiling, walls, and other exposed areas. Cladding is typically used to enhance the aesthetics of a building and provide weather protection. The new structure can be covered with cladding. However, there are ways to protect older buildings. There are numerous kinds of cladding available. They include corrugated steel, aluminum, vinyl, aluminum composite panels, and cement boards. Each type of cladding has distinct properties and advantages. 

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