10 Best Indoor Plants for Oxygen Without Sunlight

Looking for the best indoor plants for oxygen without sunlight? Your search ends here! Indoor plants that thrive in low light and still purify the air are perfect for those seeking a breath of fresh air in dimly lit spaces. From hardy Marble Queen Pothos to elegant Moth Orchids, these plants not only enhance your indoor environment but also offer numerous benefits like air purification and aesthetic appeal. In this article, we’ll explore a range of low-light plants that excel in providing oxygen and beautifying your home, all while requiring minimal sunlight.

Best Indoor Plants for Oxygen Without Sunlight

1. Marble queen pothos

Devil’s ivy, also called golden pothos, is one of the best air-purifying plants. It removes VOCs like formaldehyde, benzene, and toluene from the air. It is particularly suitable for those who have difficulty keeping plants alive. The pothos is difficult to kill — hence its diabolical nickname — and only requires watering every seven to ten days.

In fact, pothos is so great at cleaning that biotech startup Neoplants uses it in its microbiome-powered air purifying system that turns an ordinary houseplant into a machine that removes the same amount of toxins as 30.

Benefits of Marble Queen Pothos

  1. Low Maintenance: Marble Queen Pothos is incredibly hardy and thrives in various lighting conditions, including low light. This makes it ideal for beginners or those with a busy lifestyle.
  2. Promotes Humidity: Like many houseplants, Marble Queen Pothos helps to increase humidity in the air, which can benefit respiratory health and skin hydration.
  3. Aesthetic Appeal: Its attractive marbled leaves add a decorative touch to any space, enhancing the visual appeal of your home or office.
  4. Versatile Placement: It can be grown in hanging baskets or as a climbing plant on a trellis, providing flexibility in how you display it in your living space.
  5. Pet-Friendly: Compared to some houseplants, the Marble Queen Pothos is less toxic to pets, making it a safer choice for homes with animals.

2. Spider Plant

One of the reasons spider plants are so popular in the world is that they are incredibly easy to care for. Night-releasing plants, such as spider plants, are highly prized. For aspiring botanists searching for plants that manufacture oxygen at night and offer oxygen, it is regarded as the perfect introduction plant. An indirect light source, good drainage, and a place away from heat spikes are all Spider Plant requirements.

Its simple care will pay off with bright green and yellow stripes, occasional small white flowers, and a lot of oxygen it produces at night. Get the Curly Spider Plant and see how quickly your home’s air quality improves with plants that give oxygen! You will feel fresh and airy in your home with the Curly Spider plant because it produces oxygen at night.

Benefits of Spider Plant

  1. Non-Toxic to Pets: Spider Plants are safe for pets, which is a great benefit for households with cats or dogs.
  2. Pest Resistant: They are generally resistant to pests like spider mites and aphids, reducing the need for chemical interventions.
  3. Educational Value: Spider Plants are excellent for teaching kids about plant care and growth due to their resilience and ease of propagation.
  4. Natural Air Freshener: Besides producing oxygen, Spider Plants also help to absorb and neutralize odors, making your home smell fresher.
  5. Propagation: Spider Plants produce “babies” or offsets that can easily be propagated into new plants, allowing you to expand your indoor garden or share with friends and family.

3. Snake Plant

The Snake Plant is renowned for its ability to convert CO2 into oxygen even during the night, which can contribute to better sleep quality. Additionally, it is known for its resilience against various indoor environmental challenges, including dry air and fluctuating temperatures.

Known for its long, straight leaves, this easy-to-keep plant can grow up to 12 inches tall and doesn’t require direct sunlight or frequent watering.

This plant releases oxygen at night, unlike most plants, which release it during the day, so it’s a great choice for a bedroom.

Benefits of Snake Plant

  1. Improves Indoor Air Quality: Snake Plants are effective at filtering out pollutants such as formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene, which helps improve overall indoor air quality.
  2. Low Water Requirement: This plant is highly drought-tolerant and only needs to be watered every few weeks, making it ideal for those with a busy schedule.
  3. Durability: Snake Plants are incredibly durable and can tolerate neglect, making them a reliable choice for both home and office environments.
  4. Versatile Decor: Its upright, architectural leaves can complement a variety of interior design styles, from modern to minimalist.
  5. Increases Productivity: Some studies suggest that having plants like the Snake Plant in your workspace can boost productivity and mental well-being.

4. Philodendrons

The much-loved and historically significant philodendron plant loves a shaded area or mild indirect sunlight. You can study philodendrons for hours, but they don’t get bored. They release oxygen at night, so they prefer humid and moist environments. Fertilize semi-regularly during the summer. With dozens of varieties, many of which have been bred by humans over centuries, you’ll never get bored studying them!

Philodendrons are known for their ability to adapt to various indoor conditions, making them a great choice for less-than-ideal spots. Their heart-shaped leaves and diverse varieties can bring a touch of greenery to any room while requiring minimal maintenance.

Benefits of Philodendrons

  1. Air Purification: In addition to releasing oxygen, Philodendrons are known for their ability to remove indoor air pollutants such as formaldehyde and benzene.
  2. Versatile Growth: Philodendrons can grow in a range of environments, from low to bright indirect light, and they can be trained to climb or trail, offering flexibility in decorating.
  3. Improves Mental Health: Caring for plants, including Philodendrons, has been shown to reduce stress and increase feelings of well-being.
  4. Low Light Tolerance: They can thrive in low-light conditions, making them suitable for rooms with limited natural light.
  5. Variety of Sizes: With numerous varieties available, you can choose Philodendrons of different sizes and leaf shapes to suit your space and preferences.

5. Dracaena

This plant is one of the most common houseplants because it requires little care. It comes in dozens of varieties, and some larger types look like trees and grow best near furniture or in corners.

In addition to filtering out toxins from your home, Dracaena plants are also excellent air purifiers. The plants thrive in bright, indirect light, but can also survive in low-light conditions. Dracaena plants require humidity, which is why they grow best outdoors in zones 10-12. Mist the leaves frequently if you are growing them indoors.

Dracaena plants are effective at removing a range of airborne toxins, including trichloroethylene. They also have a natural ability to help regulate humidity levels, which can contribute to a more comfortable indoor environment.

Benefits of Dracaena

  1. Air Toxin Removal: Dracaena plants are highly effective at removing toxins like formaldehyde, benzene, and trichloroethylene from the air.
  2. Low Light Adaptability: While they thrive in bright light, Dracaenas can also adapt to lower light conditions, making them versatile for different indoor environments.
  3. Growth Variety: They come in various sizes and shapes, from compact varieties perfect for small spaces to larger types that can serve as statement plants in bigger rooms.
  4. Reduced Noise Pollution: The presence of Dracaena plants in a room can help absorb sound, contributing to a quieter indoor environment.
  5. Aesthetic Flexibility: Dracaenas have a range of leaf colors and patterns, including green, yellow, and red, which can enhance the visual interest of your decor.

6. Aglaonema

Aglaonema is highly valued for its ability to tolerate low light and irregular watering schedules. It’s also known for its wide range of colors and patterns, which can brighten up even the dullest corners of your home.

Aglaonema comes in many colors, including green and red. It is a tough plant that thrives practically anywhere and in any lighting.

Its beauty does not cause problems at home or at work. It requires very little maintenance and has a long history of reliable growth. Aglaonema, or Chinese Evergreen, has long been cultivated in Asia as a good luck charm. As an effective air purifier, the Aglaonema plant can remove formaldehyde, benzene, and other pollutants from indoor air. It is a great choice for shady areas to display lovely foliage.

Benefits of Aglaonema

  1. Improves Air Quality: Beyond removing pollutants like formaldehyde and benzene, Aglaonema can also help reduce airborne bacteria, contributing to a cleaner environment.
  2. Adaptable Growth: It thrives in various indoor environments, from low light to bright indirect light, making it highly versatile for different rooms.
  3. Low Allergens: The plant helps reduce the presence of mold and dust in the air, which can benefit those with allergies or asthma.
  4. Easy Propagation: Aglaonema can be easily propagated through division, allowing you to grow new plants or share with others.
  5. Aesthetic Variety: With its wide range of leaf colors and patterns, Aglaonema adds a dynamic visual appeal to indoor spaces, complementing diverse interior styles.

7. Flamingo plant

The Flamingo Plant, or Anthurium, is not only known for its striking red and pink flowers but also its ability to thrive in low humidity environments. This makes it a great addition to homes with central heating or air conditioning.

Its greenery eliminates carbon dioxide and provides copious amounts of oxygen. If you’re looking for bold houseplants for your bedroom, look no further than the flamingo plant (also called an anthurium). Why not display these green-and-pink treasures where you spend hours every day and night? During the year, the flamingo plant produces beautiful and durable flowers and requires an acidic, well-drained soil that does not like direct sunlight.

Benefits of Flamingo Plant (Anthurium)

  1. Continuous Blooming: Flamingo Plants can produce flowers throughout the year with proper care, ensuring a long-lasting splash of color.
  2. Natural Humidity Boost: While it thrives in low humidity, the plant’s transpiration also contributes to increasing the moisture level in the air, improving comfort in dry environments.
  3. Pollutant Removal: Besides carbon dioxide, Flamingo Plants help filter out airborne pollutants like formaldehyde and xylene.
  4. Compact Size: Their compact and elegant form makes them suitable for desks, countertops, and smaller spaces where larger plants may not fit.
  5. Temperature Tolerance: Flamingo Plants can tolerate a range of temperatures and humidity levels, making them resilient to changes in indoor climate.

8. Areca Palm plant

The Areca Palm plant is a powerful air purifier, removing hazardous substances from the air such as benzene and xylene. Its leaves have a much larger surface area, so more oxygen is produced. Also, Areca Palm keeps the house’s air humid and prevents it from drying out from running the air conditioner or furnace.

It is a native of Madagascar that prefers bright, indirect sunlight and warm temperatures. As a result of its ornamental value, Areca Palms can now be found in many homes and offices due to their beautiful leaves. They are a beautiful plant with vibrant green and soft leaves, which make them a perfect choice for plant lovers. Growing two arecas in close proximity can also significantly increase oxygen levels.

Benefits of Areca Palm Plant

  1. Enhanced Air Quality: Areca Palms are particularly effective at removing harmful substances like benzene, xylene, and formaldehyde, enhancing overall air quality.
  2. Increased Oxygen Production: The plant’s large surface area of leaves allows for greater oxygen output, contributing to a fresher indoor atmosphere.
  3. Humidity Regulation: Areca Palms help maintain indoor humidity levels, which can prevent dry skin and respiratory issues caused by dry air.
  4. Low Maintenance: The plant is relatively easy to care for, requiring only occasional watering and minimal pruning.
  5. Decorative Appeal: Its tall, feathery leaves add a touch of tropical elegance to any room, making it a striking focal point in interior design.

9. Peace lily

Peace Lilies are also known for their ability to handle neglect, making them ideal for busy individuals. Their glossy leaves can add a lush feel to any room, and they often produce blooms multiple times a year if properly cared for.

Known for their white blooms reminiscent of a surrender flag, peace lilies capture formaldehyde, benzene and carbon monoxide from the air. They grow up to 16 inches tall and don’t require direct sunlight, but do require regular watering.

Benefits of Peace Lily

  1. Low Light Tolerance: Peace Lilies can thrive in low-light conditions, making them suitable for rooms with minimal natural light.
  2. Pest Resistance: They are generally resistant to common houseplant pests, reducing the need for pest control measures.
  3. Air Purification: In addition to removing formaldehyde and benzene, Peace Lilies can help filter out trichloroethylene and other volatile organic compounds.
  4. Aesthetic Flexibility: The plant’s elegant white blooms and dark green foliage can complement a variety of decor styles, from modern to traditional.
  5. Natural Humidifier: The plant’s transpiration process increases humidity levels, which can improve overall comfort and skin health in dry indoor environments.

10. Moth orchid

Moth Orchids are valued for their long-lasting blooms and a wide variety of colors and patterns, which can add a sophisticated touch to any indoor space. They also have air-purifying qualities, adding both beauty and functionality to your home.

In spite of their exotic appearance, these flowers are quite easy to grow. They don’t need direct sunlight and you should allow the soil to dry out in between waterings. That means you won’t have to remember to water them very often.

Moth orchids can bloom for up to four months and are perfect for low-light locations. They are available in two standard sizes, one under 12 inches and another between 18 and 24 inches.

Benefits of Moth Orchid

  1. Long-Blooming Flowers: Moth Orchids can bloom for up to four months, providing a prolonged period of beauty and color.
  2. Low Maintenance: They are relatively easy to care for, needing infrequent watering and minimal light, making them suitable for busy individuals.
  3. Temperature Tolerance: Moth Orchids can adapt to a range of indoor temperatures, making them versatile for various living conditions.
  4. Air Purification: While not as strong as some other plants, Moth Orchids still contribute to improving air quality by removing trace pollutants.
  5. Versatile Size Options: Available in different sizes, Moth Orchids can fit well in both small and large spaces, providing flexible decorating options.


Incorporating the best indoor plants for oxygen without sunlight into your space is a smart choice for both health and aesthetics. Plants like the resilient Marble Queen Pothos and the elegant Moth Orchid not only thrive in low light but also contribute to a cleaner, more invigorating environment. Whether you’re dealing with dim rooms or simply prefer low-maintenance greenery, these plants offer a blend of beauty and functionality. Embrace these green companions to improve air quality, boost humidity, and add a touch of nature to your home, all without needing direct sunlight.

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